Universal Tile
Fujiwa Tile
Pacific Clay
Better Business Bureau
Pool and Spa Magazine Article 2003
Pool & Spa News Magazine
What is the VGB Act?
Now adding glass to anyone of our Pebble Finishes*
San-Rock Pool Plastering Inc.
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
LIC. #300252
C35, C53, & D35
17043 Sierra Hwy
Canyon Country, CA 91351
Click here for a FREE ESTIMATE
Free Estimates Given
Mon-Fri 9am-3pm (Most Areas)
661) 250-3377
818) 367-8842
Fax: 661) 250-3306
E-mail: info@sanrockpoolplastering.com
Mon-Fri 7a.m.- 4p.m.